Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Other Half of My Heart by Sundee T. Frazier

The Other Half of My Heart by Sundee T. Frazier
Delacorte Press
296 p.

Summary:  Twin daughters of interracial parents, eleven-year-olds Keira and Minna have very different skin tones and personalities, but it is not until their African American grandmother enters them in the Miss Black Pearl Pre-Teen competition in North Carolina that red-haired and pale-skinned Minna realizes what life in their small town in the Pacific Northwest has been like for her more outgoing, darker-skinned sister.


  1. Interesting. Enjoyed Minna's search for self. Liked how we found out about grandma over the course of the novel. Just not convinced mom would have let them go to the pageant...

  2. This one was entertaining & I will definitely recommend to girl readers. Didn't find the writing distinguished, and I don't think the mom would have let them go, but maybe that's where it becomes more real--all sorts of factors involved in real life--the mom's relationship w/her mom, wanting to give her girls a stronger relationship w/ the grandmother, etc.

  3. Just finished this book and wouldnt say it was better than other books on the list, like Mockingbird or Mockingjay, but it was good. so it might not win, but its definitely worth reading
