Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Keeper by Kathi Appelt

Keeper by Kathi Appelt
Atheneum Books for Young Readers
May 2010
399 pgs.

On the night of the blue moon when mermaids are said to gather on a sandbar in the Gulf of Mexico, ten-year-old Keeper sets out in a small boat, with her dog BD and a seagull named Captain, determined to find her mother, a mermaid, as Keeper has always believed, who left long ago to return to the sea.


  1. Martha,

    I'm so glad to hear that--I tried to listen to the audio version (recorded by the author herself) and just couldn't get into it. Maybe this book is better in print form.

  2. I loved this one. I could see Keeper out there on the water. The writing was strong and the emotions really flowed through the writing.

  3. I also listened to the audio version, and unfortunately I found the voice and thoughts of Keeper quite annoying as the story went on. Her thoughts seemed way too young for her age – more like 4 years old than 10. I found I was not at all interested in the sections told in her voice, but whenever the story switched to the adults’ perspectives, I was drawn in again.

  4. I should have told everyone I know NOT to listen to the audio--the narrator was the author herself, Kathi Appelt, and I think the publisher should have hired a professional reader. Others who have read the print version & not listened to the audio have loved it. I'm going to try to read it again, w/o audio.

  5. Okay, now I've read this one, and although it started out slowly, I found myself enjoying it more and more as I learned more about Keeper, her family, and her neighbors. Great sense of setting here as well as great character development. Appelt has a definite storytelling style--this one's very similar to The Underneath, but I found it a stronger book than The Underneath (which won a Newbery Honor). We'll see what happens!
