Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September Reads - Adult Mock Newbery

Here are 4 new books to add to your reading pile.  Please click the title to add your comments to each book page.

Chickadee by Louise Erdrich

Keeping the Castle by Patrice Kindl

Splendors and Glooms by Laura Amy Schlitz

Liar & Spy by Rebecca Stead

Are there any titles you've read that you think we all should read? 
Leave those titles in the comments!

For previous reads -  Adult Mock Newbery 


  1. Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip was excellent. Neither title nor cover were appealing, but it was on audio so I listened, and loved it. Photography is an even stronger theme than baseball, plus negotiating changing relationships with family and friends.

    1. I'm a huge fan of Sonnenblick's and Curveball was one of my fave books of his. But, I don't see it's distinguished qualities. I thought the plot of One adn Only Ivan was more original. I also felt the characters in Summer of the Gypsy Moths were more defined.

      Unfortunately, older books can't weigh into a Newbery discussion but I loved Heartbeat by Sharon Creech which combined similar elements as Curveball using art, sports, and family illness.
