Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gearing UP! - SJCPL Mock Newbery 2012

The SCJPL Mock Newbery 2012 is getting ready to rumble!  We are making our lists and checking them twice. There are already some books out there getting buzz.

I'm liking
Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt

I've also heard good things about
Small Persons with Wings by Eileen Boraem
Camo Girl by Kekla Magoon
True...Sort of by Katherine Hannigan
Second Fiddle by Roseanne Parry

What books are you excited to read?


  1. Looking forward to Okay for Now too--love Gary Schmidt's writing. Also Small Persons with Wings and Amelia Lost by Fleming.

    I'm sure there are more great ones to come!

  2. I'd definitely add Kirby Larson's The Friendship Doll and Jennifer Holm's Trouble With May Amelia to your list!

  3. I'm hoping you'll read and consider my new middle grade novel, WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU O.J. (Knopf).

    And p.s. I love that you have kids and adults Mock Newbery clubs!
