Monday, December 17, 2012

December Reads - Adult Mock Newbery

The December list is up! 4 more great reads you should not miss! We have 19 titles to read and discuss so far! Please check out the complete list here

Don't forget to click the links and add your thoughts!

Miles to Go for Freedom by Linda Barrett Osborne 

What Came from the Stars by Gary Schmidt 

The Great Unexpected by Sharon Creech

Son by Lois Lowry 

Son by Lois Lowry

Son (Giver Quarter, 4)
Lois Lowry
Houghton Mifflin

Unlike the other Birthmothers in her utopian community, teenaged Claire forms an attachment to her baby, feeling a great loss when he is taken to the Nurturing Center to be adopted by a family unit.

What Came From The Stars by Gary Schmidt

What Came From the Stars
Gary Schmidt
Clarion Books

In a desperate attempt for survival, a peaceful civilization on a faraway planet besieged by a dark lord sends its most precious gift across the cosmos into the lunchbox of Tommy Pepper, sixth grader, of Plymouth, Massachusetts.